Mealy J

Table of Contents

These are notes for help when I again forget again how to use J's ;: dyad.

;: J's sequential machine operator

Hairy. The operation x ;: y recognizes string \(y\) according to machine \(x\). This verb encodes Mealy machines in J. Recall, (lol) a Mealy machine is a 5-tuple \((S,S_0,\Sigma,\Lambda,T)\):

  • \(S\) is the state space, (ijr in ;: docs)
  • \(S_0 \in S\) the initial state, the optional fourth component to x
  • \(\Sigma\) is the input alphabet, the classes of atoms of y determined by m.
  • \(\Lambda\) is the output alphabet, the actions (specefied by code f)
  • \(T\) is a transition function \(T : S \times \Sigma \rightarrow S \times \Lambda\) corresponding to sc table. Other presentations split this function in two functions \(T,G\) (see wiki's Mealy machines).

Parts of a machine \(x\)

The machine specification is given by x=. f ; sc; m; ijrd, where the last two components are optional.

Function code \(f\)

\(f\) is the function code, which determines what actions are taken (ie, the output style). For example, recognized words may be boxed using \(0\) or the intermediate states may be traced using \(5\).

\(f\) definition ew/ev comments advice on use
0 <y{~j+i.i-j box current word words themselves are of interest
1 y{~j+i.i-j current word (no box) some words omitted others retained
2 j,i-j word start & length if words need further computation (see huffman lab)
3 c+q*r state table index '' …
4 j,(i-j),c+q*r combo of 2/3 '' …
5 i,j,r,c,s{~<r,c full trace debugging

It is said (in a jqt lab) that ev may be used to form vector constants but that it is not used often.

State transitions \(sc\)

\(sc\) describes the transition table. Items in the table are indexed by pairs \(r,c\) where \(r\) is the current state and \(c\) the input character's class. The entry at index \(r,c\) is a pair consisting of a new state and an output action \(r',a\). The actual machine state is comprised of an input pointer \(i\) of the current character in \(y\), a word pointer \(j\) of the word begin (or _1 for no beginning), row pointer \(r\) to state, and a column pointer \(d\) specifying an additional action to take at termination.

code action comment
0 no out do nothing
1 j =. i start recognizing word or vector
2 j =. i [ ew (i,j,r,c) end recognizing word
3 j =. _1 [ ew (i,j,r,c) reset j (eg to drop spaces)
4 j =. i [ ev (i,j,r,c) analogue for emit vector
5 j =. _1 [ ev (i,j,r,c) analogous, again
6 stop  

Basically, we have a graph with vertices in domain \(r\) and edges labelled by character class \(c\), decorated with output actions \(a\) which accumulate machine state.

Letter Classes \(m\) (optional – default y)

\(m\) is a description of character classes. It is either an array mapping character to class or a list of boxed characters. In first example in lab, Roger Hui maps \(m\) as ' '=a. so that class 0 denotes non-space chars and class 1 denotes spaces.

Seed \(ijrd\) (optional – default 0 _1 0 _1)

Seed initial machine state with index pointer \(i\), word pointer \(j\), state \(r\) and \(d\) can specify an additional action \(a\) to take after recognition or not if negative.



First, some very shitty capabilities to visualize the machines. The color scheme corresponds to the actions \(a\), where

  • gray => do nothing
  • orange => bump start pointer
  • green => emit word/vector and bump index
  • blue => emit word/vector and reset index
  • red => error/stop
CLR=: ;: 'dimgray darkorange seagreen royalblue seagreen royalblue maroon'

dotviz =: 3 : 0
'S C M N'=. y
G=. 'digraph {',LF,'  overlap=scale;',LF
for_uc. , { (<@i."0) 2 {. $ M do.
  'u c' =. > uc [ 'v a' =. uc { M
  G=. G,'  ',(>u{S),'->',(>v{S)
  G=. G,'[headlabel="',(>c{C),'",color=',(>a{CLR)
  G=. G,',labeldistance=1.8,style=dashed];',LF
end. G=. G,'}',LF
G 1!:2 < N,'.dot'
2!:0 'dot -Tsvg ',N,'.dot -o ../images/',N,'.svg'
echo link './../images/',N,'.svg'

Challenge 1 from machine lab

Write a word machine that excludes spaces (the first example in lab tokenized words but had leading spaces).

C=: ' '=a.
M=: 2 2 2 $ 1 1  0 0  1 0  0 3
echo (0;M;C);:' four score and  no more ice '

Dot viz

dotviz ((;:'out in') ,&< 'abc';' '),M;'word-machine'

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First, the machine. The char classes are whitespace (with LF separate to end comments), brackets (), string quotes ", escapes, and semicolons. There are states for being in limbo, being in token, being in quote, escaping in quote, opening and closing paren, and lastly comment.

LC =: 'ws'     ;'()';'\"';'\\';';';'nl'   ;'#';'''';'abc'
C =:  (' ',TAB);'()';'"' ;'\' ;';';(LF,CR);'#';''''
A =: (1 I.~ C e.&>~ ])"0 a.

LV =: 'limbo';'symbol';'string';'escape';'paren';'comment';'hash';'quote'
M =: 8 9 2 $ , (". ;. _2)  0 : 0
0 1  4 1  2 1  0 6  5 1  0 1  6 1  7 1  1 1 NB. neutral
0 3  4 2  2 2  1 0  5 2  0 3  0 6  7 2  1 0 NB. tok
2 0  2 0  0 3  3 0  2 0  2 0  2 0  2 0  2 0 NB. quot/"
2 0  2 0  2 0  2 0  2 0  2 0  2 0  2 0  2 0 NB. esc/\
0 3  4 2  2 2  0 6  5 2  0 3  6 2  7 2  1 2 NB. bark/()
5 0  5 0  5 0  5 0  5 0  0 3  5 0  5 0  5 0 NB. comment
0 6  4 2  0 6  1 0  0 6  0 6  0 6  7 2  1 2 NB. #
0 3  4 2  4 2  0 6  5 2  0 3  6 2  7 2  1 2 NB. '

The above leads to a concise s-expression parser, which produces a depth vector along with a boxed array of tokens. To produce a sensible tree, the closing parens are dropped and the opening parens are used to signify list begins.

parse =: 3 : 0
m=. 0 <: p=. (;:'()') -/@(=/) t=. (0;M;A) ;: y
t ,~&<&(m&#) (+/\ - 1&=) p

Some examples:

sexps =: '((())())';'(a"(b\")" c) x';'(a ''(#\b)); (no comment)'
echo (;:'sexps depths tokens') , (,. parse &>) sexps
│sexps                   │depths     │tokens                      │
│((())())                │0 1 2 1    │┌─┬─┬─┬─┐                   │
│                        │           ││(│(│(│(│                   │
│                        │           │└─┴─┴─┴─┘                   │
│(a"(b\")" c) x          │0 1 1 1 0  │┌─┬─┬──────┬─┬─┐            │
│                        │           ││(│a│"(b\")│c│x│            │
│                        │           │└─┴─┴──────┴─┴─┘            │
│(a '(#\b)); (no comment)│0 1 1 1 2 0│┌─┬─┬─┬─┬───┬──────────────┐│
│                        │           ││(│a│'│(│#\b│; (no comment)││
│                        │           │└─┴─┴─┴─┴───┴──────────────┘│

Dot viz

dotviz (LV ,&< LC),M;'sexp'

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J lexer, from machine lab slide 16/17.

LC =: 'ws';'abc';'012';'.';':';'\''';'+/-'
LV =: ;: 'space jascii alpha numeric quote unquote'
CS=: ' ';(a.{~,65 97+/i.26);'0123456789_';'.';':';''''
t=. 0 7 2$0
NB.        S    A    9    D    C    Q    X
t=.t,_2]\ 0 0  2 1  3 1  1 1  1 1  4 1  1 1  NB. 0 space
t=.t,_2]\ 0 3  2 2  3 2  1 0  1 0  4 2  1 2  NB. 1 other
t=.t,_2]\ 0 3  2 0  2 0  1 0  1 0  4 2  1 2  NB. 2 alphanumeric
t=.t,_2]\ 0 5  3 0  3 0  3 0  1 0  4 4  1 4  NB. 3 numeric
t=.t,_2]\ 4 0  4 0  4 0  4 0  4 0  5 0  4 0  NB. 4 quote
t=.t,_2]\ 0 3  2 2  3 2  1 2  1 2  4 0  1 2  NB. 5 even quotes
JM=: t

dotviz (LV ,&< LC) , JM ; 'J'

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CSV Parser

C=: (1 I.~ ('"';',';LF) e.&>~ ])"0 a.
NB. states: 0     1     2            3
NB.         limbo field quoted field escaped quote
M =: 4 4 2 $ , ". ;. _2 ] 0 : 0
2 1  0 2  0 3  1 1 NB. limbo
0 6  0 2  0 3  1 0 NB. field
3 0  2 0  2 0  2 0 NB. quoted field, quote escapes self
2 0  0 2  0 3  2 0 NB. escaped quote or end of quoted field

LC =: '\"';',';'LF';'abc'
LS =: 'limbo';'field';'qfield';'esc'
dotviz (LS ,&< LC),M;'nginx'

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advent of code 2015 day 8

or advent of code 2015/8

load '~/code/aoc/aoc.ijs'

LC =: '\"';'\\';'x';'hex';'abc'
CS=: (1 I.~ ('"';'\';'x';'0123456789abcdef') e.&>~ ])"0 a.

LS =: 'string';'letter';'esc';'hexx';'hex'
AM =: 5 5 2 $ , ". ;. _2 ] 0 : 0
1 1  0 6  0 6  0 6  0 6 NB. parse string or stop
0 2  2 0  1 2  1 2  1 2 NB. letter
1 2  1 2  3 0  0 6  0 6 NB. emit/do hex/bad
0 6  0 6  0 6  4 0  0 6 NB. read 1 hex/bad
0 6  0 6  0 6  1 2  0 6 NB. finish hex/bad

dotviz (LS ,&< LC),AM;'aoc-2015-8'

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Created: 2020-11-21 Sat 20:21
